FICED meet IMAC on EdexglaX Programme

Foundation of Islamic Culture For Education and Development -FICED is an IDB Counterpart Organization in Thailand lead a group of IDB Sponsored Stuents to...

1st Quarterly Payment in 2017 to Hasene Orphans Project

On 07.07.2017 IMAC organized the handover ceremony of 1st Quarterly Payment in 2017 to Hasene Orphans Project to 66 orphans from different provinces/city. The ceremony...

Food Distributed to Needy in Baray

In this Ramadan, IMAC distributed food packages to 337 families who living in Trapaing Chhouk village, Daun Pen village and Toul Thlork village, Baray district, Kampong Thom...

Ramadan Food Packages Distribution to Needy in Phnom Penh and Kampot

IMAC distributed Ramadan food packages to 127 families in Chroy Changva district, Phnom Penh and 164 families in Kampot province donated by Malaysian Islamic...

Hasene Ramadan Food Campaign 2017

Hasene based in Germany donated Ramadan Food Packages Campaign to Muslim villagers in Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham for upcoming holy month of Ramadan 2017. Besides...

Masjid Al Latiff in Rovieng, PV official inauguration

The Masjid Al Latiff locating in Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province has been official inaugurated on 12 May,2017 by H.E Dr.Sos Mousine, Secretary of...

The 7th Computer and English Training 2016-2017

The 7th Computer and English Language Training Course which started from 1st of May 2016 in Trapaing Chhouk village, Baray district, Kampong Thom province...

Sewing Vocational Training 2016-2017

Sewing Vocational Training 2016-2017 in Pong Ro village, Chlong district, Kratie was completed after taken 12 months of sessions funded by muslimehelfen in Germany...

1 Year Anniversary of Kampong Friendship Clinic

Congratulation of 1 Year Anniversary of Free Medical Services to Cambodian people in the Kampong Chhnang Friendship Clinic, Kampong Tralach district, Kampong Chhnang province...

House Fire Aid in Kratie

IMAC implemented donations to a fire destroyed 6 villagers’ houses in Kratie’s Snuol district, Kbal Snuol village on 14th February, 2017 night among those there...